Posts Tagged: blog

Staying busy part 4: Time well spent vs. time wasted

I’ve spent another hour poking around and I still have not gotten to the bottom of the comment presentation problem that appears when I use the “black hat” theme for the blog. This really disappoints me because not only did I basically like the theme, but I also spent time customizing it. I suppose that means I could be the cause of the problem. Perhaps I should run the original download and see if the still occurs.

I hope it gets sorted out eventually, but in the meantime, I have changed themes. It has a similar look and configuration except for a couple things. For example, the top nav bar displays categories instead of pages and meta links. I don’t like that one bit. But if I have to learn enough php to customize that much of this, I might as well just fix the other theme.

I suppose it could be useful to learn php anyway. If I already knew it, I’d have a paying contract gig helping a friend migrate his various sites into a WP-based site.

But if I were going to learn php, then the time would probably be better spent learning python, for god sake. So much to learn, so little time.

Staying busy part 3: blog troubleshooting

I am finding that just maintaining a blog can keep you busy, and I don’t mean the writing part. I discovered that some older comments from before I moved the blog to this new address are not appearing correctly or at all. I spent more time than I’d like yesterday trying to troubleshoot the problem. All I have found so far is that it only seems to happen with this particular theme selected. If I switch the look to the default WP theme, for example, the comments appear in the correct posts. How can that happen? If anyone has a clue, please let me know. Are there known issues with the “black hat” theme?

When the Cultural Intersects the Personal

I have mostly kept to personal writing in this journal. But there are times when cultural and societal conversations possess a gravitas that pulls all matters into their orbit, including the most isolated personal ones.

Recently, i was again reminded of the conversation going on at a site dealing with a topic of importance to all Americans, How to Avoid the Bummer Life. I trust that the below is all that need be presented to establish the apodictic centrality of this site to your life.

My first Weblog

I was never all that good at keeping a diary. And I have always been somewhat shy. Moreover, I am not all that interested in reading the half-baked opinions of strangers. I already don’t have enough time in the day to get some high-priority tasks accomplished. And furthermore, there is enough annoying information, bad writing, and self-congratulatory rubbish to read in traditional publishing media. So, it is not much of a surprise that I had little interest in blogging. Until now. So, what has changed, you ask?

Well, firstly, I now think that blogs can provide a good way for friends, family, and acquaintances to keep up with each others lives. It is a hectic life around these parts (the early 21st cent.) and foremost on my list of desiderata are tools that help get community back into my daily routine. That said, I will be thrilled to be read by people I don’t already know.

Secondly, since I swim in techie waters here in the SF Bay Area, it would be a failure of career development if I didn’t attempt to have some familiarity with at least the hugely popular aspects of Web technology. So, there it is. Time for Neo to have a blog.

This is going to be mostly a “daily life” blog, but the things that usually occur daily in my life are tech work, photography, music, philosophy, gardening, food and wine. So, this handful of topics will be the usual topics of discussion. 

